When London puts its mind to something it tends to do it on a large scale. Royal Weddings, Olympic Games, plagues and great fires. This also applies to animal infestation. London is currently home to 50,000 ring neck parakeets that have flocked towards the Brixton, Peckham and Greenwich area with 3,000 living in Esther Rugby club. Normally the invasion of emerald green aliens would cause alarm but according to London folk lore these birds are all descendants of a pair released by Jimi Hendrix as a peace offering in Carnaby Street in 1969. I know this is a load of baloney but if repeated enough times on the internet it will become fact.
London also has more than its fair share of foxes. I have nothing against these animals but wish they would keep the noise down with their screeching and shrieking in the early hours. I’m not suggesting we bring back fox hunting but the thought of “The unspeakable in pursuit of the uneatable” through the back gardens of London homes and council estates would be interesting. This picture, taken at the Hayward Gallery on the South bank, shows what could happen if the situation goes unchecked.

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